Erotic mind control archive

Erotic mind control archive

Erotic mind control archive

Erotic mind control archive

Erotic mind control archive

The guy is presumed to be white. What's your pleasure? The author often reviews stories, TV shows, costumes, and other media involving Succubi. The work spans genres, while always working to churn out more. Is the subject of hypnosis Fetish Fuel for you? To be more specific: female dominant lesbian sex male dominant gay sex the aforementioned "fifth catch-all color" The Conspiracy : All sorts, including Ancient Conspiracy , Government Conspiracy , Nebulous Criminal Conspiracy , and others that don't necessarily fit into one of these categories. Doorstopper : Tim, the Teenage Mind Controller.

Erotic mind control archive

Erotic mind control archive

Erotic mind control archive

Erotic mind control archive

Svengali: Tags and search for the Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive : bimbotf

The most common use of mind control on the site is hypnotizing someone, and then using suggestions to make them orgasm while under. The Tumblr of Mr. Exact Words : Many mind controllers learn the hard way to be very, very careful about what orders they give. Sometimes subverted: even if the victims enjoy it physically , some of them will be hurt to the core by the fact that, emotionally, can't stop the abuse. You will have no memory of this trance. As mentioned above, the website keeps its original URL as a sort of "alternate" location. This site is for fantasy only.

Erotic mind control archive

Erotic mind control archive

Erotic mind control archive

Erotic mind control archive

Erotic mind control archive

Erotic mind control archive

control archive mind Erotic